Characteristics You Should Get from Your Student Apartments in Washington

by | Aug 2, 2021 | Student Accommodation Centrer

To succeed in college, you need a stress-free location to live, study, and work. Living in the dorms may feel too oppressive, which is why you should choose off-campus housing. These typically get established in beneficial spaces that give easy access to campus and other hangout spots around town. To pick the best place to live, here are characteristics you should find in your student apartments.

Security Features

Whether you stay in dorms or away from campus, you should do all you can to remain safe. This includes walking with a buddy, carrying a fully charged cell phone, and limiting the information you share on social media. With your student apartments near Western Washington University, there will be security features in place that will protect you and your belongings. These measures include locks on your bedroom door and on-site management to look for suspicious activity around your neighborhood.


When moving away from the dorms, you can also rent a house or standard complex. Even though these can come with a couple of benefits, they typically have fewer amenities to offer. Along with that, you will get surrounded by neighbors going through various stages of life. Instead, you should enjoy student apartments near Western Washington University. Being around your peers will give you the encouragement and camaraderie you need to persevere.

These features are a great place to start when searching for the right student apartments near Western Washington University. Learn more with a tour around Lark Bellingham.

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